‘Goldene’ is a gilded cousin of graphene that is one atom thick

[ad_1] Hello Nature readers, would you like to get this Briefing in your inbox free every day? Sign up here. Researchers have synthesized sheets of gold that are one atom thick.Credit: imaginima/Getty Goldene is a cousin of graphene, the single-atom-thick sheet of carbon first discovered in 2004 — but made of gold. Goldene is roughly … Read more

this gilded cousin of graphene is also one atom thick

[ad_1] It is the world’s thinnest gold leaf: a gossamer sheet of gold just one atom thick. Researchers have synthesized1 the long-sought material, known as goldene, which is expected to capture light in ways that could be useful in applications such as sensing and catalysis. Goldene is a gilded cousin of graphene, the iconic atom-thin … Read more

Weird new electron behaviour in stacked graphene thrills physicists

[ad_1] Electrons in stacked sheets of staggered graphene collectively act as though they have fractional charges at ultra-low temperatures.Credit: Ramon Andrade 3DCiencia/Science Photo Library Minneapolis, Minnesota Last May, a team led by physicists at the University of Washington in Seattle observed something peculiar. When the scientists ran an electrical current across two atom-thin sheets of … Read more

3M Thinsulate graphene heated vest with 5 zone intelligent heating

The Heatou graphene heated vest is ideal for cold weather activities featuring a professional-grade graphene shell. This shell gives the vest waterproof, windproof, and abrasion-resistant properties. It’s this graphene shell that ensures the vest can withstand the harshest of weather conditions, from biting winds to heavy downpours, while also resisting wear and tear from frequent … Read more

UZE Graphene waterproof heated jacket with 4 heat zones

UZE has once again taken to Kickstarter for its third crowdfunding campaign, which is already successfully blasted past its required pledge goal with still 26 days remaining. The companies latest innovation is the UZE Heated Jacket, designed for all four seasons, and equipped with four graphene heat zones and three different heat settings. All controllable … Read more