How I fled bombed Aleppo to continue my career in science

A member of the rebel Free Syrian Army walks past a burnt-out Syrian army tank in northern Aleppo province in 2012.Credit: Daniel Leal/AFP/Getty Working scientist profiles This article is part of an occasional Nature series in which we profile scientists with unusual career histories or outside interests. Aref Kyyaly has a guiding principle: don’t give … Read more

Danelo Cavalcante, in the opinion of the Brazilian prosecutor, fled from jail in Pennsylvania to be tried in ‘lenient’ Brazil.

Cavalcante is serving a life sentence in the US for killing someone. He is also accused of killing a man in Brazil, where he can’t get a life term.The judge in charge of Danelo Cavalcante’s murder case in Brazil said he thought the convicted killer was on his way to his home country when he … Read more