¡Totalmente crack! Súper Cristiano Ronaldo “vuela alto” y viste el uniforme del gran héroe ante Escocia

¡Totalmente crack! Súper Cristiano Ronaldo “vuela alto” y viste el uniforme del gran héroe ante Escocia

Portugal venció a Croacia (2-1) En su primera aparición en Grupo 1 de la Liga A Seguidor Liga de las Nacionespero hoy Lucharon demasiado para vencer a Escocia (2-1) El segundo día. La selección portuguesa volvió a conseguir el resultado gracias cristian ronaldo. cuando CR7 Su aparición en el campo en la segunda parte fue … Read more

Could ChatGPT be the next big cybersecurity worry — researchers say it can crack systems faster than ever before

Could ChatGPT be the next big cybersecurity worry — researchers say it can crack systems faster than ever before

LLMs such as ChatGPT might just be the next cybersecurity worry, according to the latest findings by researchers. Previously believed to only be able to exploit simpler cybersecurity vulnerabilities, LLMs have shown a surprisingly high proficiency in exploiting complex ones as well.  Researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) found that GPT-4 demonstrates a … Read more

Nvidia has virtually recreated the entire planet — and now it wants to use its digital twin to crack weather forecasting for good

Nvidia has virtually recreated the entire planet — and now it wants to use its digital twin to crack weather forecasting for good

Faster and more accurate weather forecasts are about to become a real possibility across the globe thanks to a new release from Nvidia. The computing giant has announced a new digital twin cloud platform that it says will help meteorologists and weather experts create richer and more detailed simulations and more. The new Earth-2 APIs, … Read more