Apple Tweaks EU Core Technology Fee to Avoid Bankrupting Unexpectedly Viral Apps

Apple Tweaks EU Core Technology Fee to Avoid Bankrupting Unexpectedly Viral Apps

Apple today announced that it is tweaking the terms of the 0.50 euro Core Technology Fee (CTF) that apps distributed using the new EU business terms must pay, introducing a solution that would keep small apps that go viral from being bankrupt. First, independent and small developers who earn no revenue at all will not … Read more

Apple Working on Solution for EU Core Technology Fee Possibly Bankrupting Apps That Go Unexpectedly Viral

Apple Tweaks EU Core Technology Fee to Avoid Bankrupting Unexpectedly Viral Apps

Since Apple announced plans for the 0.50 euro Core Technology Fee that apps distributed using the new EU App Store business terms must pay, there have been ongoing concerns about what that fee might mean for a developer that suddenly has a free app go viral. Apple’s VP of regulatory law Kyle Andeers today met … Read more