El raro Apple-1 se vendió por mucho dinero: hoy en la historia de Apple

[ad_1] 23 de noviembre de 2010: Una de las primeras computadoras Apple-1, con su cubierta original y una carta firmada por Steve Jobs, se vende por 210.000 dólares. En ese momento, se consideraba la computadora personal más cara jamás vendida en una subasta. Esto tiene sentido, porque es un hallazgo extremadamente raro. Se cree que … Read more

Apple-1 starts a computing revolution: Today in Apple history

[ad_1] April 11, 1976: Apple releases its first computer, the Apple-1. Designed and hand-built by Steve Wozniak, the computers are sold wholesale by “Steven” Jobs. To finance their manufacturing, Wozniak sells his HP-65 calculator for $500, while Jobs sells his Volkswagen van. Years later, in 2014, a working Apple-1 will sell at auction for $905,000. … Read more

Apple founded to sell Apple-1 computer: Today in Apple history

[ad_1] April 1, 1976: The Apple Computer Company is founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. The trio sets out to sell the $666 Apple-1 computer. Apple will not officially become a corporation until January 3 the following year. By that time, Wayne is no longer a part of the business. This post … Read more