Guardians of the Galaxy is coming to Disney+ this Friday for the holidays , and fans of the intergalactic A-Holes team are sure to be impressed by the holiday celebrations.
Then short breaks .
As you’d expect, Marvel Studios’ latest special is a fairly straightforward affair with no antagonists to speak of (although a panicked Kevin Bacon might feel differently after being chased by Drax and Mantis). But it seems like the 45-minute episode almost played out a little differently.
Speaking to Variety , writer-director James Gunn revealed that the special will initially feature a climax action sequence in which Bacon faces a mysterious “menace.”
“I wrote the treatment before I wrote the screenplay, and there was another danger in the treatment. I just realized that I don’t care about the other. There was an action sequence at the end where Kevin Bacon jumped in and did some stunts, that would be cool, but there was no danger at all. I didn’t care. I was interested in the interaction between the characters. So I cut it out and turned it into a story about people.
Gunn didn’t name these villains, so we have no idea if it’ll be someone we’ve met before or a new character, but since the director’s smaller it doesn’t look like we’ll be doing much miss . rave reviews!
As you’ve heard, Mantis in particular has a lot to do, and Gunn also talked about giving the character time to shine.
“I see Drax and Mantis as a set of Costello and Costello. They are the unknowing fire hoses of the MCU and these forces of nature. I love them both and I feel like they were really supporting characters in a lot of movies. We didn’t meet because it was “Volume 2″. He spoke softly, but he’s been with these characters for a few years now and his personality is starting to form. He’s an idiot, but in Drax he’s confronted by someone even more idiotic. Jay loved the dynamic between the two.”
Don’t forget to tune in to the GOTG Holiday Special this Friday.