Rock, Paper, Scissors: Searching For Stronger Nonlocality Using Quantum Computers

Rock, Paper, Scissors: Searching For Stronger Nonlocality Using Quantum Computers

The 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Alan Aspect, John Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger for their work on "quantum nonsense" in quantum mechanics. Quantum spacelessness is a phenomenon where connected particles can instantly interact with each other regardless of distance.

Imagine you have a pair of gloves. These gloves form a pair and are therefore connected in a certain way, albeit in different ways. One day you will pack one glove in a suitcase and go on a trip to another country, while the other glove will stay at home. If you are not a resident of Quantum, if you change the color of the gloves you brought, the gloves you take home will immediately change color, even if they are very different.

Decentering violates most concepts predicted by classical physics, where particle properties are predetermined and changes occur either directly through physical interactions or through high-speed diffusion fields. Decentralization has far-reaching implications for understanding the future development of realism, quantum mechanics, and quantum technology.

There are many ways to describe and explain nothingness. For example, a set of mathematical expressions called Bell's and CHSH's inequalities show nonexpansion through inequality violation. Meanwhile, Lucien Hardy provided an alternative explanation for quantum delocalization in 1992 when he developed Hardy's paradox.

Suppose there are three quantities A, B, C, A is greater than B and B is greater than C. As a fundamental mathematical property of transitivity (or local hidden variable theories in physics), this is intuitively greater than C

However, Hardy points out that C can still be larger than A. In other words, it is non-locality.

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You can evaluate it with "rock-paper-scissors". Obviously rock can meet scissors and rock can meet paper but not rock. Mixing does not fit into any mathematical concept, therefore it is paradoxical.

A recent study published in the journal Physical Review A provides some interesting information about Hardy's site. Co-author of the study, Dr. Lee Bin Ho of the Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences (FRIS) at Tohoku University.

The lieutenant said: “Hardy delocalization has important implications for understanding fundamental quantum mechanics and is the key to enhancing the possibility of delocalization. We used computers and quantum techniques to improve the probability of measuring the nonlocal Hardy state."

Lee and colleagues did this by proposing a theoretical framework for finding nonlocal maximum likelihood. They confirmed this with a theoretical model and quantum simulations.

Although previous studies have shown the opposite, they found that the probability of non-localization increases with the number of articles. This shows that quantum effects persist on large scales, further challenging the theories of physics.

According to Lu, these results have important implications for understanding quantum mechanics and its potential applications in communications. "Understanding the non-existence of quanta will lead to some very exciting technological developments, such as the secure transfer of data over non-local resources using quantum communication."

Additional information: Duc Minh Tran et al. Success Probability Enhancement in Hardy Nonlocality: Theory and Demonstration, Physical Review A (2023). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.107.042210

Citation : Rock, paper, scissors: Searching for strong scissors with quantum computers (April 19, 2023) Retrieved April 21, 2023, from -nonlocality – quantum. programming language

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