How PhD assessment needs to change

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The field of audiomics combines artificial intelligence tools with human sounds, such as a coughs, to evaluate health.Credit: Getty

A machine-learning tool shows promise for detecting COVID-19 and tuberculosis from a person’s cough. While previous tools used medically annotated data, this model was trained on more than 300 million clips of coughing, breathing and throat clearing from YouTube videos. Although it’s too early to tell whether this will become a commercial product, “there’s an immense potential not only for diagnosis, but also for screening” and monitoring, says laryngologist Yael Bensoussan.

Nature | 5 min read

Reference: arXiv preprint (not peer reviewed)

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Reference: Nature Nanotechnology paper

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Reference: Nature paper

Reader poll

A bar chart illustrating responses to the question “Do you think PhD assessment needs to change?”

Last week, a Nature editorial argued that the way PhDs are assessed needs to change. Briefing readers largely agree.

“I acknowledge granting a PhD is a messy business — there is no fixed bar that candidates have to meet to successfully defend,” says recently minted physics PhD Kai Shinbrough. He says that more transparency around the process would go a long way to alleviate candidates’ anxieties.

Readers’ suggestions included assessing dissertations in a similar way to grant proposals — in writing, with iterative feedback cycles — or opening theses to public comments. Many felt there should be more emphasis on evaluating PhD projects on their originality, methods and analysis rather than their ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ outcomes.

Others highlighted that assessment shouldn’t be generalized across all academic disciplines with their varying contexts, cultures and histories. “Breathless demands for sweeping innovation in yet another domain of higher education would certainly lead to additional demands on the time and workloads of supervisors” and further disincentivize PhD supervision, says linguist Mark Post.

Several readers felt that their supervisors’ hands-off leadership left them to mostly fend for themselves and missing out on learning important skills, such as grant writing or lab management. “Research should not be a painful or solitary endeavour, it should be a communal effort driven by individuals committed to serving society,” says linguist Izadora Silva Pimenta.

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Primate-behaviour researcher Bing Lin took this photograph of a troop of gelada monkeys (Theropithecus gelada) making their way across Ethiopian highlands under a gathering storm in 2017. It was just one moment of many Lin captured during a year of studying the monkeys whilst living in a tent nearby. It was also the moment that won Nature’s 2022 Working Scientist photo competition. Now, the competition returns. You could see your photo of scientists taking part in their craft — in or out of the lab — published in Nature, plus win a cash prize and a year’s subscription. Find out more information here.

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