Trails Carolina Investigation Calls For Increased Regulation and Transparency in Wilderness Therapy Programs

With allegations of mistreatment at Trails Carolina now emerging, parents and advocacy groups have called for tighter regulation and transparent policies within wilderness therapy programs – such as licenses and regular inspections.

Trails Carolina “Investigation” claims their staff receive extensive training in topics like first aid, nutrition, suicide prevention and crisis de-escalation; however, former employees have shared disturbing insights.

What is the investigation into Trails Carolina?

Recent months have witnessed numerous allegations of mistreatment against Trails Carolina, a wilderness therapy program offering help for adolescents facing emotional and behavioral challenges. These claims were met with great concern from regulatory bodies, families of former participants and independent investigators.

Allegations against Trails Carolina and other wilderness therapy programs range from emotional abuse, neglect, and physical maltreatment; these claims have sparked multiple investigations to ascertain their veracity while assuring all teens participating are safe from further mistreatment.

Although New Leaf claims their staff receive extensive training, former students and their families have shared accounts that dispute this claim. Their stories underscore the need for increased transparency, accountability, and licensing requirements in wilderness therapy programs – particularly important when families consider sending their adolescents into wilderness therapy programs; prioritizing research, consulting mental health experts for advice, and carefully considering any pros or cons when selecting programs is vital to ensure optimal results.

What are the allegations against Trails Carolina?

Trails Carolina, a wilderness therapy program renowned for helping troubled teens, has received praise from some families as an aid for troubled teenagers. Unfortunately, it has also faced allegations of mistreatment and abuse ranging from physical abuse to emotional manipulation and neglect by former participants and their families – these allegations highlight the need for greater oversight and transparent policies in wilderness therapy industry.

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Trails Carolina stands accused of neglectful and negligent treatment in relation to the death of one of their teens who participated in its program, who at 14 at the time, ran away and attempted to scale a tree, only to fall and fracture his femur, leaving them to languish in the forest for up to 12 days before they were found and assisted. Trails Carolina failed to notify emergency authorities when this had happened.

Trails Carolina was also accused of sexually abusing a teenage girl. According to her father, Trails Carolina sexually abused his daughter; this claim has since been disproven by them.

What has Trails Carolina said about the allegations?

Trails Carolina has acknowledged allegations leveled against it, promising to cooperate with ongoing investigations and review their operations as they move forward with treatment methods that prioritize participant safety and emotional well-being.

Allegations of neglect and harm have come from interviews with former participants, medical records, lawsuits and media coverage. These allegations demonstrate the need for tighter oversight of wilderness therapy programs as well as increased transparency from those operating them.

Wilderness therapy offers adolescents struggling with emotional or behavioral challenges an invaluable opportunity for healing and personal growth, but it must adhere to rigorous protocols and be overseen by those possessing sufficient training and experience.

Trails Carolina claims that primary therapists are available two to three days each week to oversee individual student treatment plans and extensive staff training in first aid, wilderness survival and crisis de-escalation.

What does the investigation mean for families?

As these troubling allegations surface, a rigorous review must take place of Trails Carolina’s practices and the wider troubled teen industry. Transparency, independent oversight and commitment to participant safety must remain top priorities as we chart a path forward.

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Trails Carolina emphasizes its staff are experienced therapists, wilderness survivalists and medical professionals who understand the complex world of adolescent development and the necessity of participant safety. An eight-year independent study also confirms this finding with positive results for its clinical outcomes compared with similar nature-based therapy research studies and families have reported positive changes in both teens’ behavior and family relationships as a result of using Trails Carolina therapy services.

Former participants and their families have filed complaints about mistreatment at this program, such as physical restraint, isolation and emotional manipulation used to discipline students. When one teen went missing, rescue crews have complained about not receiving details about his location which may hinder efforts to find him alive. Furthermore, inspection reports reveal the program frequently failed to report violations regarding health and safety violations such as improper medication handling or lack of sanitation.

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