The Politics Of Indicting Trump

The Politics Of Indicting Trump

Elvin Bragg may bring Donald Trump back to the White House in 2024 (“Trump's Pandora Chases,” Review and Outlook, March 31). Mr. Bragg, the Manhattan District Attorney, did the world no favors by giving President Trump another forum to speak out and strengthen his base. The lawsuit will be very expensive, and Mr. Trump would be happy to reveal the obvious political motivation of the lawsuit.

It is naïve to suggest that Mr. Bragg began these efforts years ago solely because of the nature of the alleged crimes, and that his legal sensibilities would be hurt if he did not. If his goal is to show Americans that Trump is a moral imbecile, they already know.

The danger is that moderate and dissatisfied voters will see impeachment as an example of left-wing overreaction and manipulation and vote for Trump in return. We are in uncharted territory, and if Mr. Bragg thinks he knows how this will play out politically, he is as wrong as ever to make this accusation.

Michael Hanks

Alexandria, Virginia

When you write that former presidents should only be prosecuted for "serious crimes," you are acknowledging the growing divide that separates the American people from their government. Most of us think that presidents and other representatives are still ordinary citizens, and when they leave office, they become even more ordinary.

If Mr. Trump has broken the law, no matter how minor, he must be held accountable and publicly condemned. When he was elected president, no one voted to get rid of his recklessness forever.

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Art Sobowski

Prescott Valley, Arizona

Mr Trump has been impeached. How will this help me, a middle-class American? I want the people in power to channel that energy. Maybe prosecute tax evaders or rob Americans with bogus Covid claims. Or, here's a new idea, do something about illegal immigration and school violence. The impeachment of Mr. Trump is the least of this country's problems and is the epitome of "mafia" politics.

Lynn Shefkovich

Ann Arbor, Michigan

If Ethan Greenberg and Sam Braverman believe that Mr. Bragg will base the case solely on the testimony of Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels (“Trump case is far from open and closed,” published March 31), perhaps it is. bad You can bet that Mr. Bragg will present a lot of evidence: documents, texts, e-mails. letters and direct testimony from David Packer and others. Follow Allen Weiselberg, former CEO of the Trump Organization. If new charges are brought against him, Mr Weiselberg, 75, is unlikely to advise Mr Trump to avoid Rikers Island any longer.

Dale Butland

Columbus, Ohio

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In Manhattan, Trump became the first former president to be indicted by the Special Crime Report.

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