Apple lanza la primera beta de macOS Sonoma 14.6

[ad_1] Apple lanzó hoy la primera versión beta de la próxima actualización de macOS 14.6 para los probadores beta públicos, lo que permite a los no desarrolladores probar el software antes del lanzamiento. La versión beta pública de hoy llega pocos días después de que Apple lanzara la versión beta inicial para los desarrolladores. Apple … Read more

Desactive las interacciones de video en Mac en macOS Sonoma

[ad_1] ¿Cómo detienes las interacciones de video con la cámara web en tu Mac en macOS Sonoma? La función, que coloca efectos animados de pantalla completa en sus videollamadas, ofreció una buena demostración cuando se lanzó. Pero después de su lanzamiento, se convirtió… Mucha gente está confundida de Enciéndelo accidentalmente en Casos graves. Funciona en … Read more

Apple Seeds macOS Sonoma 14.5 Release Candidate to Developers

[ad_1] Apple today seeded the release candidate version of an upcoming macOS Sonoma 14.5 update to developers, with the software coming a week after Apple released the fourth beta. Registered developers can opt in to the beta through the Software Update section of the System Settings app. Note that an Apple ID associated with an … Read more

Apple Seeds Fourth Beta of macOS Sonoma 14.5 to Developers [Update: Public Beta Available]

[ad_1] Apple today seeded the fourth beta of an upcoming macOS Sonoma 14.5 update to developers, with the software coming a week after Apple released the third beta. Registered developers can opt in to the beta through the Software Update section of the System Settings app. Note that an Apple ID associated with an Apple … Read more

Apple Seeds Third Beta of macOS Sonoma 14.5 to Developers

[ad_1] Apple today seeded the third beta of an upcoming macOS Sonoma 14.5 update to developers, with the software coming a week after Apple released the second beta. Registered developers can opt-in to the beta through the Software Update section of the System Settings app. Note that an Apple ID associated with an Apple Developer … Read more

The Top New Features in MacOS Sonoma: How to Download, Compatible Macs

[ad_1] Also new in Safari is the ability to separate the browser via profiles, meaning you can create one profile for work and another for your personal life. It splits your history, extensions, cookies, Tab Groups, and Favorites, and it’s easy to switch back and forth. You can also now create web apps that allow … Read more

Apple Seeds Second Beta of macOS Sonoma 14.5 to Developers

[ad_1] Apple today seeded the second beta of an upcoming macOS Sonoma 14.5 update to developers, with the software coming two weeks after Apple released the first beta. Registered developers can opt-in to the beta through the Software Update section of the System Settings app. Note that an Apple ID associated with an Apple Developer … Read more

Apple finally begins beta testing iOS 17.5, macOS Sonoma 14.5

[ad_1] There are fresh operating system betas for all types of Apple computers. Photo: Apple After a wait that stretched out weeks longer than usual, Apple seeded the first beta of iOS 17.5 to developers Tuesday, along with the initial beta of macOS Sonoma 14.5. And it’s going to be a very busy day for … Read more

Apple Seeds First Beta of macOS Sonoma 14.5 to Developers

[ad_1] Apple today seeded the first beta of an upcoming macOS Sonoma 14.5 update to developers, with the software coming nearly a month after Apple released macOS Sonoma 14.4. Registered developers can opt-in to the beta through the Software Update section of the System Settings app. Note that an Apple ID associated with an Apple … Read more

Apple Releases macOS Sonoma 14.4.1 With Fix for USB Hub Bug

[ad_1] Apple today released macOS Sonoma 14.4.1, a minor update for the ‌macOS Sonoma‌ operating system that launched last September. ‌macOS Sonoma‌ 14.4.1 comes three weeks after ‌macOS Sonoma‌ 14.4. The ‌‌‌‌‌macOS Sonoma‌‌‌ 14.4‌ update can be downloaded for free on all eligible Macs using the Software Update section of System Settings. There’s also a … Read more