La IPO de Apple hace millonarios instantáneos: hoy en la historia de Apple

[ad_1] 12 de diciembre de 1980: Apple salió a bolsa y ofreció 4,6 millones de acciones en el mercado de valores a 22 dólares cada una. La oferta pública inicial de Apple se convierte en la oferta pública de tecnología más grande de su época. Y más de 40 de los 1.000 empleados de Apple … Read more

La IPO de Pixar convierte a Steve Jobs en multimillonario: hoy en la historia de Apple

[ad_1] 29 de noviembre de 1995: Benefíciese del éxito historia del juguetePixar ofrece 6,9 ​​millones de acciones en bolsa. La salida a bolsa de Pixar convierte a Steve Jobs, propietario de más del 80% del estudio de animación, en multimillonario. Después de la ganancia inesperada, una de las primeras personas a las que llamó Jobs … Read more

Can Reddit—the Internet’s Greatest Authenticity Machine—Survive Its Own IPO?

[ad_1] Alyssa Videlock was 11 years old when she started searching for people like her on the internet. What she found, back in the early 2000s, was not at all what she’d hoped for. “Being trans online was not really a thing,” she says. “There was fetish stuff for it, and there were stories about … Read more

Reddit files for an IPO

Reddit has announced that it is filing an IPO (Initial Public Offering) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and it will use the ticker symbol RDDT on the NYSE, Reddit has not announced how many shares will be offered during the IPO and they have also not announced the price. Reddit, Inc. (“Reddit”), a … Read more

Raspberry Pi preparing for initial public offering (IPO) in London

The tech industry is closely watching the potential move by Raspberry Pi Trading to go public. CEO Eben Upton confirmed in an interview with Bloomberg News that Raspberry Pi had appointed bankers at London firms Peel Hunt and Jefferies to prepare for “when the IPO market reopens.” This decision could bring significant changes to the company … Read more