El rapero Sean Kingston arrestado en California después de que SWAT allanara su casa en Florida; Por cargos de fraude

El rapero Sean Kingston arrestado en California después de que SWAT allanara su casa en Florida;  Por cargos de fraude

FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida (AP) — El rapero Sean Kingston fue arrestado en California por cargos de fraude el jueves, varias horas después de que un equipo SWAT allanó su mansión alquilada en el sur de Florida y confiscó un camión lleno de artículos. La Oficina del Sheriff del condado de Broward dijo que Kingston fue … Read more

Billy Napier, Florida, enfrenta una demanda de $10 millones, más una revisión de la SEC

Billy Napier, Florida, enfrenta una demanda de  millones, más una revisión de la SEC

Hasta el boletín del sábado 🏈 | Eso es todo El atletaBoletín de fútbol universitario. Registrar aquí Para recibirlo hasta el sábado directamente en tu bandeja de entrada. Los diez grandes horario del viernes por la noche Fue lanzado ayer, pero tendremos más información sobre eso más adelante. Primero… ¿por qué? Florida¿Se demandará al entrenador? … Read more

Reaprobación de SNAP en Florida en mayo de 2024: ¿Cuándo es el último día para volver a solicitar cupones de alimentos?

Reaprobación de SNAP en Florida en mayo de 2024: ¿Cuándo es el último día para volver a solicitar cupones de alimentos?

ha Programa de asistencia nutricional suplementaria (SNAP)es un programa de asistencia federal en los Estados Unidos que brinda beneficios a personas y familias de bajos ingresos para la compra de alimentos y… Florida Participación, ¿cuándo es el último día para volver a postular al programa para mantener los beneficios? Anteriormente conocido como Programa de cupones … Read more

Florida Middle Schoolers Arrested for Allegedly Creating Deepfake Nudes of Classmates

Florida Middle Schoolers Arrested for Allegedly Creating Deepfake Nudes of Classmates

Two teenage boys from Miami, Florida, were arrested in December for allegedly creating and sharing AI-generated nude images of male and female classmates without consent, according to police reports obtained by WIRED via public record request. The arrest reports say the boys, aged 13 and 14, created the images of the students who were “between … Read more

Florida Siblings, 10 and 11, Went off in Mom’s Vehicle After She took their Electronic Devices

Florida Siblings, 10 and 11, Went off in Mom’s Vehicle After She took their Electronic Devices

Two young siblings from Florida were arrested by authorities after driving approximately 200 miles away in their mother’s car after their mother took away their electronic devices and threatened to call the police. According to a statement released by the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office, two children aged 10 and 11 years old were stopped by … Read more

HIV-positive Track coach in Florida accused of molesting a teenage boy.

HIV-positive Track coach in Florida accused of molesting a teenage boy.

According to police, a Florida high school track coach was arrested for allegedly attempting to have sexual contact with a 16-year-old boy without disclosing that he was HIV-positive. The Polk County Sheriff’s Office reported that Jarvis Young, 40, was arrested on Thursday and charged with sexual battery of a victim between 12 and 18 years … Read more

Florida Mom Arrested for Leaving 11-Year-Old Kid in Hotel Room with Deceased Guy after Ménage à Tois With 2 Men

Florida Mom Arrested for Leaving 11-Year-Old Kid in Hotel Room with Deceased Guy after Ménage à Tois With 2 Men

A woman from Florida was taken into custody after it was alleged that she had a drug-fueled sexual encounter with two men and then abandoned her child, who was 11 years old, in a hotel room with a deceased man. According to a statement from the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, Amy Kemper, 32, allegedly admitted … Read more

A Florida man already accused with murder is indicted in the slaying of a Lyft driver aged 74.

A Florida man already accused with murder is indicted in the slaying of a Lyft driver aged 74.

A Florida man who had previously been charged with murder has been charged formally in the shooting death of a Palm Beach Lyft driver earlier this year. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement said that Matthew Scott Flores, 36, who is accused of killing 43-year-old Jose Carlos Martinez on Jan. 24 in Hardee County, was … Read more