Small Business Statistics In 2022

Small Business Statistics In 2022

© Mascot / Getty Images Photo of owner serving food to a customer Small business owners make up the majority of businesses in the United States. From restaurants and grocery stores to farms, real estate agencies, and mechanics, local businesses with fewer than 100 employees are considered small businesses. These small businesses are run by … Read more

ASU Sidney Poitier Film School Leaders Aim To Expand Educational Opportunities For A Changing Industry

ASU Sidney Poitier Film School Leaders Aim To Expand Educational Opportunities For A Changing Industry

Hollywood veterans Cheryl Boone Isaacs and Peter Murrieta are optimistic that "a lot is possible" in the future as Hollywood and the entertainment industry as a whole expands for stories and diverse perspectives at every level. Murrieta and Bone Isaacs performed at Thursday's event to announce the recent opening of Arizona State University's Sidney Poitier … Read more

Home DNA Tests Have Stripped Anonymity From Donor Conception, With Huge Implications For The Industry

Home DNA Tests Have Stripped Anonymity From Donor Conception, With Huge Implications For The Industry

Cassandra Adams, a housewife, artist and attorney from New Jersey, is always eager to learn more about her legacy. "I've loved genealogy since I was a kid and always ask questions about our family's history, culture and language," says Adams. "I am a family historian – Italian grandfather took me aside to tell all the … Read more

AmericanJetBlue Antitrust Trial Testing Limits Of Industry Consolidation

AmericanJetBlue Antitrust Trial Testing Limits Of Industry Consolidation

American Airlines CEO Robert Isom told a federal judge on Monday that the airline is struggling with Delta Air Lines and other markets such as New York and Boston where major consolidation over the past two decades has decimated the industry. Essam, who testified in a Justice Department antitrust suit against the partnership between American … Read more