sacrament –
One thing I have noticed in my years of reporting on how energy works at the California Capitol is how much it cuts down on families.
Legislative seats often pass from parent to child or from husband to wife. Five members of Los Angeles County's legendary Calderón family , including three brothers, a son and current Assemblywoman Lisa Calderón, wife of a former Assemblywoman, have served in the Legislature. And a few years ago, Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio and State Sen. Susan Rubio made history as California's first team of sister legislators .
So, the story of Assemblywoman Mia Bonta and her husband Lic. Gen. Rob Bonta is famous and boring at the same time.
Both Democrats from Alameda, Bay Area, Mia Bonta was elected to fill the Assembly seat held by her husband, Rob Bonta, after he was named attorney general in 2021. The two have been in the news for the past few weeks when reporters questioned whether it was ethical for Assemblyman Bonta to control taxpayer funds for the office of Att. General Good. Mia Bonta chaired the Assembly Budget Committee, which dealt with public safety, which was under the jurisdiction of the Judiciary, headed by her husband.
Political theorists expressed concern about the arrangement, and editorials criticized legislative leaders for their apparent conflict of interest . Even Chuck Todd, moderator of NBC News' Meet the Press , had his say .
“It's a bad image and it will only reinforce what happens when you have unilateral power,” NBC Sacramento correspondent Ashley Zavala said after reporting the story.
In the end, the parliamentarian announced that he would depart from the decision of the Ministry of Forests and Justice . A few days later, the department was formalized when the budget president transferred oversight of the judiciary to another subcommittee. The conflict seems to have been resolved immediately.
Mia Bonta assures that her position has been approved by the Ethics Congress and that she has been challenged to promote transparency and avoid confusion.
"Certainly, I think you have to watch it carefully," he told me.
However, a broader question arises. Where should the line be drawn between the common interests of public servants who are family members and their personal responsibilities?
In addition to many family members serving together in the legislature, several state legislators have spouses who serve in the legislature on policy issues or work in publicly funded local governments.
"I don't see these situations as different from certain situations," said Mia Bonta.
Vanata refers to himself as a life partner and a service partner. They have shared a passion for social justice since they met their freshman year at Yale. And they used their office to achieve the same goal.
Assemblyman Bonta wrote a bill last year to create a new division within the Justice Department to study gun violence prevention policies. Within months of ending up in the Legislature, she joined her husband in announcing that his department would still create a new office , but it did not spark any controversy.
But before Mia Bantan was elected to the Assembly, I reported on a couple's financial dealings that some experts say were legal but unethical. As a parishioner, Rob Bonta created a non-profit foundation and collected donations from organizations that lobby the legislature. He then made payments from the fund to the nonprofit organization where his wife worked. (He claimed the $25,000 as a loan when I asked him about it in 2020, even though his tax return at the time didn't show it.)
This isn't the first time Rob Bonta has sent money to Mia Bonta's employer. For several years, he donated money from his campaign funds to organizations he worked for and received letters saying parties would not use the funds to pay his salary because state law prohibits politicians from using campaign funds for personal gain. . He also asked interest groups to make donations to non-profit organizations for which he worked. "We're working on areas that share our passion," he told me at the time.
After my presentation, Rob Bonta resigned from his foundation's board of directors and introduced new rules that prohibit both members of a couple from making spending and donation decisions to organizations where one of them works. And California's political watchdog approved a new rule that requires officials to disclose their affiliation with an organization when asking donors to give money to a group hired or controlled by that official, their employees or their family members.
“These are impacts or relationships to potential initiatives that the public wants to know about,” commission staff said in a report .
Jessica Levinson, a professor at Loyola Law School and former chair of the Los Angeles Ethics Commission, said officials should not send money to companies where family members work because of the potential for personal gain.
In other cases, he says, it's not always clear where to draw the line.
"When it comes to these potential conflicts of interest or ethical issues, we all worry that someone in public service is making a decision in the best interest of their spouse, their child or their friend, but not all of us," he said. saying. . . "At the most basic level, it's concerning."
Limitation of oil revenues. Easier said than done
I couldn't help but think of former Governor Jerry Brown when Governor Gavin Newsom spoke live with Elon Musk on Wednesday's Tesla Motors video feed . Newsom was in Palo Alto for a tour of the company's new engineering facilities that were closed to the media on a day when lawmakers in Sacramento debated a proposal to impose sanctions on oil company profits.
So why did I think of Brown?
Brown hasn't communicated publicly with the Legislature very often, but when he did, there was a commitment to work with lawmakers to address issues of concern. On rare occasions, Brown has supported a controversial idea with his political influence, appearing at Capitol Hill hearings and testifying before the Legislature. He did so in 2011 when he pushed to reform the state pension system , and twice in 2017 when he supported a gasoline tax to finance road repairs and expanded cap-and-trade programs to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
Newsom has not attended a legislative hearing since taking office in 2019.
At Wednesday's hearing , the first of a special session announced by Newsom in October , it became clear that the governor and lawmakers were no closer to resolving how to stop rising gas prices, Times reporter Taryn Luna reported. . Lawmakers share concerns about the potential unintended consequences of his attempt to cap operating profits, while some oil market insiders say Newsom's idea to cap refinery profits won't solve the problem. Other economists joined the Newsom administration in demanding more transparency from refiners about pricing, storage, supply contracts and inventory.
According to Luna, the hearing highlighted Newsom's problem because he began speaking publicly about the oil industry fines before he had a detailed plan. Solving the problem is more difficult than it seems.
Take a picture with Elon Musk.
Race to replace Feinstein
There are two developments in the Senate race this week. She will succeed Dianne Feinstein , who has said she will retire at the end of her term next year after a historic 32 – year career representing California in the US Senate .
- Progressive Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee of Oakland officially announced her candidacy , telling Times reporter Seema Mehta that she is "an advocate and advocate for people who don't have a voice, who really need a voice." However, the announcement was not surprising. Last month, Lee told his colleagues in Congress that he intended to run, but that his participation could make the race livelier. Lee's experience as a longtime social justice activist adds another perspective to the field involving representatives of the Democratic Party . Kathy Porter , an economic populist, and Adam B. Schiff , a former prosecutor known for presiding over the first impeachment trial of President Trump. Though Porter and Schiff have a more successful fundraising record than Lee , they will be supported by a new supercomputing committee led by consultants tied to wealthy Bay Area donors who have poured millions into racial justice and criminal justice initiatives. in California. Keep track of who's running and who's not in the California Senate race with this handy list of long shots and wild cards .
- The new poll shows the race as a close contest between Schiff and Porter , who have built a national profile and are active fundraisers but draw cross-generational Democratic voters. About 4 in 10 registered Democrats and independent voters said they were undecided on the nominee, so the dynamics could change between now and the March 2024 primary, compared with two other applicants, according to a survey by the Institute for Research. UC Berkeley Government Reports sponsored by the Los Angeles Times. Learn more about the search in this article by Times reporter Benjamin Oreskes .
And if you'd rather listen to podcasts, check out this edition of The Times , where columnist Mark Z. Barabach traces Feinstein's legacy and discusses the race to succeed her.
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following the capitol
Democratic governors form coalitions for abortion rights
Democratic governors of 20 states have launched a network designed to expand abortion access following a US Supreme Court ruling that struck down a woman's constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy and instead gave regulatory power to state governments. The organizers, led by California Governor Gavin Newsom, describe the Reproductive Freedom Alliance as a way for governors to share best practices, promote abortion rights in their states, and provide services to Americans in states with stronger laws. strict.
Controversy is brewing over the UCLA governor's ultra-competitive student transfer guarantee program.
Governor Gavin Newsom , along with lawmakers and many supporters, is pushing the University of California to ease the transfer process and increase access for more students from across states, particularly UCLA, UC Berkeley and UC San Diego. But a new analysis of Newsom's plan calls it "particularly myopic" and says it "violates a fundamental principle of justice."
These rural schools are facing a financial crisis. Will partisanship cut the lifeline?
Residents of rural Northern California, where a conservative ethos clashes with the state's famously liberal ethos, often feel left behind in the corridors of power in Sacramento and Washington. Their cities are shrinking. Their forests are burning. And for their schools, a financial cliff could come.
Polls show DeSantis leading Trump by a wide margin as the primary race opens in California.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has surpassed former President Trump among California Republicans for the party's 2024 presidential nomination, a poll released Friday showed. সামগ্রিক গণতান্ত্রিক থাকা সত্ত্বেও ক্যালিফোর্নিয়া রিপাবলিকান প্রেসিডেন্ট প্রার্থীদের কাছে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। রাজ্যের 2020 সালের মার্চের নির্বাচনে প্রায় প্রায় 2.3 মিলিয়ন ভোটার ভোট দিয়েছেন, যা দেশের অন্য রাজ্যের চেয়ে বেশি।।
টাইমসের কলামিস্ট স্কেল্টন লিখেছেন, বৃষ্টি হোক বা, আগামী দুই দশকে কৃষি বেল্ট সঙ্কুচিত হবে কম ফসল ফলবে।। সান জোয়াকুইন বর্তমান সেচকে সমর্থন করার জন্য পর্যাপ্ত জল নেই।
গ্রেফতারকৃত ভাড়াটেদের উচ্ছেদ নতুন বিলের মাধ্যমে নিষিদ্ধ করা হবে
ক্যালিফোর্নিয়ার ভাড়াটে তাদের পরিবারগুলিকে তাদের অপরাধমূলক ইতিহাসের ভিত্তিতে বাধ্যতামূলক বা উচ্ছেদের মুখোমুখি হতে হবে অথবা অ্যাসেম্বলিম্যান টিনা ম্যাককিনর (ডি-ইঙ্গলউড) এর নতুন আইনের অধীনে প্রয়োগকারী সংস্থার সংস্থার সাথে রান-ইন করতে হবে হবে।।।।।।।।।।। বিলটি নীতিগুলিকে লক্ষ্য করে যা কিছু ভাড়াটেদের জন্য মূল্যের আবাসনে খুঁজে পাওয়া এবং করা কঠিন করে তোলে।।
কলাম: কিভাবে ক্যালিফোর্নিয়া স্টপ থেকে বের করে আনার মডেল হতে পারে
আইন সেন। স্টিফেন ব্র্যাডফোর্ড (ডি-গার্ডেনা) আইন প্রয়োগকারীকে লঙ্ঘনের জন্য চালকদের থামাতে নিষেধ যেমন ভাঙা টেইল লাইট বা জানালা যদি না "থেমে যাওয়ার একটি স্বাধীন কারণ" থাকে।। অন্য কথায়, টাইমসের কলামিস্ট এরিকা ডি. স্মিথ লিখেছেন নতুন ফ্রন্ট-স্টপ বিধিনিষেধ যা অসামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণভাবে কালো এবং হিস্পানিক ড্রাইভারদের মাছ ধরার ভ্রমণ সম্পর্কিত গুরুতর অপরাধের জন্য উন্মুক্ত করবে।।
হ্রাস অবশেষে, জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন লাল ফিতার হাত থেকে জোশুয়ার গাছ বাঁচানোর একটি।।
ক্যালিফোর্নিয়ার উচ্চ একটি প্রিয় প্রতীক জোশুয়া গাছের দীর্ঘমেয়াদী বেঁচে জন্য জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন সবচেয়ে বড়।। কিন্তু সবচেয়ে স্বল্পমেয়াদী বাধা হল এটিকে বিপন্ন প্রজাতি তালিকাভুক্ত করা নিয়ে অচলাবস্থা। টাইমস লিখেছে গ্যাভিন নিউজমের প্রশাসন "একটি সুচিন্তিত সমঝোতা বৈজ্ঞানিক এবং রাজনৈতিক বাস্তবতা উভয়কেই বিবেচনায় নেয়"।
আইনপ্রণেতারা লস এলাকায় সীসা-দূষিত বাড়িগুলি করার জন্য পরিবেশ সুরক্ষা সংস্থাকে পদক্ষেপ জন্য অনুরোধ করছেন।
ক্যালিফোর্নিয়ার একটি দূষণকারীর বিরুদ্ধে বিচার করতে এবং লস অ্যাঞ্জেলেস এলাকাগুলি থেকে সীসা দূষণ অপসারণের দীর্ঘ সংগ্রামের মধ্যে, কংগ্রেসের সদস্যরা এক্সাইড ব্যাটারি পুনর্ব্যবহারযোগ্য প্ল্যান্টের চারপাশে সমস্যা এলাকা পরিষ্কার করতে সাহায্য করার করার জন্য ফেডারেল এনভায়রনমেন্টাল প্রোটেকশন এজেন্সির এজেন্সির আহ্বান জানিয়েছেন ৷ গভ. গেভিন নিউজম সাহায্যকে স্বাগত জানিয়েছেন।
ক্যালিফোর্নিয়ার অ্যাটর্নি সন্দেহজনক অপরাধের অভিযোগ তদন্ত করার পরিকল্পনা করছেন
আত্তি. লেফটেন্যান্ট জেনারেল বন্টার সাজা-পরবর্তী বিচার, রাষ্ট্রীয় পর্যায়ে এর ধরনের, সারা দেশে প্রসিকিউটরদের বৃহত্তর প্রবণতার অংশ যা অপরাধমূলক অন্যায় এবং ন্যায়বিচারের গর্ভপাত মোকাবেলায় তাদের ভূমিকা এবং দায়িত্ব দায়িত্ব স্বীকার করে করে।।।।।।।।। করে করে করে করে করে করে করে করে করে করে করে করে করে
ওভারডোজ সংকটের মধ্যে, ক্যালিফোর্নিয়া অনুদান ইনজেকশন প্রোগ্রামগুলি কাটাতে করেছিল করেছিল
পাবলিক ফান্ডিং কয়েক ডজন ইনজেকশন ড্রাগ পরিষেবা এবং ক্ষতি কমানোর প্রোগ্রামগুলিকে সমর্থন করে এই বছরের শেষের দিকে শেষ হবে, জনস্বাস্থ্য ভয় দেখায় দেখায় যে $ 22.5 বিলিয়ন রাষ্ট্রীয় ঘাটতির কারণে পরিষেবাগুলি পরিষেবাগুলি নিশ্চিহ্ন হয়ে যেতে পারে পারে পারে পারে পারে ৷ ৷ ৷ ৷
হ্রাস নিউজম আর্দ্র শীতকালীন পরিস্থিতিতে প্রতিমাযুক্ত ক্যালিফোর্নিয়ার প্রজাতিকে হুমকি দেয়
এটি উদ্বেগজনক গভর্নর কেভিন নিউকম্ব একটি নির্বাহী আদেশে স্বাক্ষর যা পরিবেশ সুরক্ষাকে থামাতে যেন এটি আরও একটি কঠোর চার সময়সীমা যেখানে মানুষের মৌলিক স্বাস্থ্য এবং সুরক্ষার জন্য প্রতিটি ফোঁটা ফোঁটা জল প্রয়োজন প্রয়োজন ৷ ৷ ৷ ৷ ৷ ৷ ৷ ৷ প্রয়োজন প্রয়োজন প্রয়োজন প্রয়োজন প্রয়োজন অন্যথায় জল সংরক্ষণের জন্য আইন দ্বারা প্রয়োহব স্যামন এবং বিপন্ন প্রজাতি রক্ষা করার জন্য নদীগুলিতে:
মনাল টুপি সীমানা
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