Apple today seeded the third betas of upcoming iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 updates to public beta testers, allowing non-developers to test the software ahead of its release. The second public iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 betas come a week after Apple released the second betas for public beta testers, and a day after the software was made available to developers.

Public beta testers can get the beta by opening up the Settings app, going to the Software Update section, tapping on the “Beta Updates” option, and toggling on the iOS 17 or iPadOS 17 Public Beta. Signing up on Apple’s beta testing website is required.

iOS 17.5 is limited on new outward-facing features, focusing primarily on changes in the European Union. App developers in the EU are now able to add their iPhone apps to their website, so that users can download them directly without having to use the App Store.

To offer an app for download from a website in the European Union, developers need to meet specific criteria. Developers need to be a member of the Apple Developer Program for two continuous years or more and must have an app with more than one million first installs on iOS in the European Union in the prior year. Other requirements include submitting to Apple’s notarization process and publishing transparent data collection policies.

This feature is limited to the European Union due to the Digital Markets Act and is not available to all users.

iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 also have updates to mobile device management and there are code changes suggesting Battery Health functionality could come to the new iPads and that Apple will soon add alerts for third-party item trackers.

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