AI Startup Tap. Takes On The Entertainment Industry, Raises $1.8M In PreSeed Funding Round

AI Startup Tap. Takes On The Entertainment Industry, Raises .8M In PreSeed Funding Round

This artificial intelligence (AI) entertainment startup aims to facilitate communication between executives and creators.

hit, an app for the digital entertainment market, has raised $1.8 million in a previous funding round, according to a press release provided by AfroTech.

Investors include Grammy-nominated singer Wil Merrell, Transformers actor Remy Adeleke and Artists Housing CEO Calvin Zuma.

“In the ever-changing entertainment business, opportunity is key. Tools like Tap. it makes us all accessible and brings us all on the same level in one place,” Merrell said in a press release. “I prefer to invest in cranes. Because this platform is ahead of its time and I consider it one of the main stable and sustainable tools. reliable, which will become our industry standard in the near future.

“As a director, I can't wait to see how they will be affected. It is conquering Hollywood, Nollywood, Bollywood and other film and television markets," Adeleke said in a press release.

Successes helping entertainment executives and content creation networks. aims to support film financiers and entertainment industry professionals. The patented artificial intelligence technology is the first of its kind and reduces costs, time and effort by up to 420 percent, according to a press release.

"What makes it unique is that the software's IP-secured features allow production studios large and small to network, order entire casts, and manage all conversations and documents without ever leaving the software," the release explains. press.

Seed funding has been identified to help advance the crane manufacturing program. Collaborate with active producers like Marvel DC, HBO, Disney, and more to learn, accelerate, and implement machine learning technologies and launch new products.

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“We are excited to expand our support network around the crane. thanks to our latest round of financing, which will allow us to achieve our strategic corporate objectives, impact the technology and entertainment industry, and expand our operations,” said Jean-Que Dar, founder and CEO. “Here we believe that accessibility is part of professional success, especially in the entertainment industry. With the support of our investors, we are well on our way to meeting the needs of our industry by giving professionals the tools to build their own legitimate network .”

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