NeuralBeagle14-7B new Powerful 7B open source AI model

The artificial intelligence field has just welcomed a significant new artificial intelligence (AI) large language model in the form of NeuralBeagle14-7B. This advanced AI model is making waves with its 7 billion parameters, and it’s quickly climbed the ranks to become a top contender among large language models.

NeuralBeagle is not just any model; it’s a hybrid, created by combining the best features of two existing models, Beagle and Mar Coro. This fusion has been further enhanced by a unique technique called the Lazy Merge Kit. NeuralBeagle14-7B is a DPO fine-tune of mlabonne/Beagle14-7B using the argilla/distilabel-intel-orca-dpo-pairs preference dataset

Mergekit is a toolkit for merging pre-trained language models. Mergekit uses an out-of-core approach to perform unreasonably elaborate merges in resource-constrained situations. Merges can be run entirely on CPU or accelerated with as little as 8 GB of VRAM. Many merging algorithms are supported, with more on their way.

NeuralBeagle’s success is rooted in the strong performance of the Beagle model, which had already shown its capabilities by scoring high on a well-known AI leaderboard. By integrating Beagle with Mar Coro, the developers have created a powerhouse model that draws on the strengths of both. However, the team didn’t stop there. They also applied a fine-tuning process known as Domain Preferred Option (DPO). While this fine-tuning didn’t drastically improve the model’s performance, it did provide important insights into the fine-tuning process and its effects on AI models.


What sets NeuralBeagle apart is its versatility. It has been rigorously tested on various platforms, including AGI Evol and GPT-4-All, demonstrating its ability to perform a wide array of tasks. This adaptability is a testament to the model’s sophisticated design and its potential uses in different applications. NeuralBeagle14-7B uses a context window of 8k. It is compatible with different templates, like chatml and Llama’s chat template. NeuralBeagle14-7B ranks first on the Open LLM Leaderboard in the ~7B category.

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For those eager to see NeuralBeagle in action, the model is available for trial on Hugging Face Spaces. This interactive platform allows users to directly engage with NeuralBeagle and see how it performs. And for those who want to integrate NeuralBeagle into their own projects, there are detailed installation instructions for LM Studio, making it easy to get started.

NeuralBeagle represents a significant step forward in the world of open-source AI models. Its innovative combination of two models and the exploration of DPO fine-tuning offer a glimpse into the ongoing evolution of AI. The model is now available for researchers, developers, and AI enthusiasts to test and incorporate into their work. With options for online testing and local installation, NeuralBeagle is poised to become a valuable tool in the AI community.

Image Credit mlabonne

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